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Our Services



We build capacity to lead, manage, and work in liberatory ways

We offer curated learning experiences through trainings, workshops, and retreat experiences to help leaders and organizations create a workplace that centers relationships - through reciprocity, sharing power, vulnerability, solidarity, and abundant care  - so that everyone can thrive.


Manager Training & Development for Organizations

We build manager capacity to lead, manage, and work in liberatory ways.

Research show that managers can make or break team experience. How managers manage has the potential to create an equitable team culture or destroy it. We know you are invested in supporting your managers to manage well. We also know if you’re part of a small team, you may not have the time to build out manager support and development. Here’s where we can help. We offer manager training that can help your managers learn to manage in more equitable ways.






Individual Learning & Courses

We offer a variety of courses and learning experiences for individuals to  build their skills and capacity around principles of liberation. These learning opportunities are designed to bring leaders together from different organizations and industries to engage in a community learning environment. With many different courses to choose from, individuals can choose the offering that best meets them where they are -  from an hour-long brainstorming session, to 90-minute liberations intensives, to deeper learning and support through our 7-week manager series.






Rituals for Liberation

Rituals for Liberation is a 4 day in-person retreat that brings leaders and teams together to redesign their organizational practices for liberation.  Rituals gives you a deep level of support to help you and your team:

  • Build your capacity to identify oppressive practices in you organization

  • Spark ideas for reimagining your work practices

  • Receive expert coaching and feedback

  • Practice using case studies and design sprints to quickly apply what you are learning to your own work

  • Deepen relationships with each other and make commitments to act in accountable solidarity with each other

  • Build an actionable roadmap to transform your organization


Team Meeting


We help teams find their way back to each other.

We support organizations to infuse the four principles of liberation into their relationships at work. We offer restorative sessions and trainings to build restorative practices within organizations, as well as retreat experiences for teams that have experienced a rupture or breech that has led to distrust.


Restorative Experiences

Reimagining workplaces for racial equity requires strong relationships and trust.  As organizations work to disrupt patterns of oppression, past and current harms can be illuminated, and people can lose trust in their peers and the organization.  We work with teams to build authentic relationships that create a sense of shared humanity and collective responsibility for restoration and accountability. We offer restorative sessions and trainings to build restorative practices within organizations. 



We design and facilitate team experiences that help teams to co-create how they want to work together by redesigning team norms, values, policies, and practices and deciding how they will hold each other accountable for creating a work environment where everyone can thrive.



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